Organization structure

We are one of 90 professional pension schemes in Germany. In addition to the statutory pension insurance and civil servants’ pension, they are part of the “first pillar” of the German old-age insurance system. Our internal organization is regulated by our > statute (German), which the meeting of members of the Medical Association of Schleswig-Holstein issued in democratic self-administration.

The organs of our pension scheme are the supervisory board and the administrative board. Its members were elected by the meeting of members of the > Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association (German) on September 06, 2023. The term of office is five years.

The following members belong to the Supervisory board and the Administrative board:

Supervisory board

  • Petra Struve (Hennstedt, Steinburg)
  • Dr. med. Hans Irmer (Ahrensburg)
    Deputy Chairman
  • Dr. med. Dr. jur. Hans-Michael Steen (Eckernförde)
  • Dr. med. Gisa Andresen (Husby)
  • John-Paul Eppert (Lübeck)
  • Dr. med. André Kröncke (Neustadt in Holstein)
  • Dr. med. Hendrik Schönbohm (Fockbek)


Administrative board

  • Bertram Bartel (Kronshagen)
  • Thomas Montag (Stockelsdorf)
    Deputy Chairman
  • Dr. med. Jan-Niclas Kersebaum (Kiel)
  • Annett Schmidt (Ratzeburg)
  • Dr. med. Frank Schubert (Kiel)
  • Dr. med. Victoria Witt (Travenbrück)

The board members carry out their work voluntarily. They take advise from an actuary who prepares an annual actuarial report for the pension scheme.