Are you currently unemployed?
During the idle time, you generally remain a member of our pension fund.
If you are exempt from compulsory insurance in the German pension insurance system and receive unemployment benefits, the employment agency will pay the contribution. Please inform the “Agentur für Arbeit” (employment agency) responsible for you about your membership of our pension fund and at the same time apply to it for the payment of pension insurance contributions. We would be happy to send you a membership certificate for filing at the “Agentur für Arbeit”. Please give us a call or send us an email.
If you are not entitled to unemployment benefits or are not exempt from the statutory pension insurance, you have to pay the minimum contribution of 1/10 of the standard contribution. The standard contribution corresponds to the respective maximum contribution of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German pension insurance system).
If you do not want to pay any contribution, you may opt for exemption from membership in our pension fund. An application for exemption from membership has to be submitted in writing within 6 months after the end of the medical activity. The membership waiver cannot be revoked.
We generally recommend our members to continue their membership by paying their membership fees. Exemption from membership can lead to significant gaps in insurance coverage. Only members of the pension fund are granted the so-called “additional time” while drawing an occupational disability pension. It is significant for the amount of pension: As a member, you are in the same financial status as if you continued to pay contributions in the amount of your previous average from the time the benefit event occurred until you will reach the age of 60. The same applies to the event of your death to the calculation of the survivor’s pension.
Please let us know your proceeding. Please use our > questionnaire with regard to this issue.
Regardless of whether the employment agency pays contributions for you or you pay the minimum contribution yourself: We recommend you to pay additional contributions to keep your pension entitlement stable. An increase is possible up to the amount of the regular contribution. The payment of small contributions always leads to a lower pension entitlement. An informal application is sufficient for the increase. It has to be filed at us not later than the 15th of the month for which the increased premium payment is being made. Please give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to advise you.