Contributions by officials and soldiers
If you are a temporary civil servant, revoked or on probation or a temporary soldier, you have to pay a contribution of at least 1/10 of the standard contribution. You may top up this contribution to the amount of the standard contribution. The standard contribution applicable in 2025 is € 1,497.30 per month.
If you do not want to pay any contributions, you have the option of being exempted from compulsory membership in our pension fund. An application form for exemption from membership has to be submitted in writing within six months of the appointment as a civil servant or soldier. The membership waiver cannot be revoked.
If you voluntarily continue your membership in the pension fund as a civil servant for life or as a professional soldier, you have to pay a contribution of at least 1/10 of the standard contribution. You may top this up to the amount of the standard contribution.
An informal application is sufficient to increase your contributions. It should be received by us by the 15th day of the current month for which the increased premium payment is being made. Please give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to advise you.
If you are a temporary civil servant, revoked or on probation or a temporary soldier, you have to pay a contribution of at least 1/10 of the standard contribution. You may top up this contribution to the amount of the standard contribution. The standard contribution applicable in 2025 is € 1,497.30 per month.
If you do not want to pay any contributions, you have the option of being exempted from compulsory membership in our pension fund. An application form for exemption from membership has to be submitted in writing within six months of the appointment as a civil servant or soldier. The membership waiver cannot be revoked.
If you voluntarily continue your membership in the pension fund as a civil servant for life or as a professional soldier, you have to pay a contribution of at least 1/10 of the standard contribution. You may top this up to the amount of the standard contribution.
An informal application is sufficient to increase your contributions. It has to be received by us by the 15th day of the current month for which the increased premium payment is being made. Please give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to advise you.
Important! The Civil Service Act and the Soldiers‘ Welfare Act provide for offsetting rules for the coincidence of pension payments with benefits from other insurance providers. However, there will be no credit if the benefits are based on contributions that you have financed yourself without your employer being involved. Therefore, pension entitlements you acquire on the basis of your self-financed contributions are not offset against your civil servant pension / pension payments.
If you leave your employment / civil service relationship, you may become our member. With the follow-up insurance, you will be treated as if you had paid contributions to the pension fund on an ongoing basis during your service. The reinsurance contributions are to be borne exclusively by your employer. Follow-up insurance is only available by filing your application (download below). This has to be submitted within one year after leaving.
A corresponding application form can be found here:
Subsequent insurance application (German)

In case of leaving an employment or civil service relationship you may become our member. You will be treated as having paid contributions to the pension fund on an ongoing basis during your service. Follow-up insurance only is available upon your request.