Are you currently on maternity leave or did you interrupt your medical work to care for your child?
You remain our member during the maternity leave and are exempt from the obligation to pay contributions during this period. The same applies to a period of up to three years after the birth of the child in case you stop working as a doctor during this time (childcare period).
Even being exempt from contributions, you may enjoy full occupational disability and survivor’s protection during this period. In the event of a pension, you or your surviving dependents will be treated as having paid contributions in the amount of your average contributions up to the age of 60 years. When calculating the average contribution, periods of maternity leave and childcare are not taken into account if you previously paid higher contributions.
Important! Non-contributory periods reduce the amount of your later retirement pension. You can avoid this by making contributions during maternity or childcare leave. You may freely choose the amount of the contributions within a range from 10 % to 100 % of the standard contribution. The standard contribution corresponds to the respective maximum contribution of the statutory pension insurance.
An informal application is sufficient for the contribution payment. It has to be received not later than the 15th day of the month for which the desired contribution payment is being made. Please give us a call or send us an email.
The members of our pension fund may apply to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung for recognition of child-rearing periods. You can find the application form and an instruction to complete it here:
Application for recognition of child-rearing periods (German)
Explanations of the application for the recognition of child-raising periods (German)
Information sheet for child-rearing times (German)
You can obtain further information on this from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung at the service telephone number 0800 100048070 or at