We are one of 18 physicians’ pension schemes in Germany. The pension reform that came into force in 1957 prevented the self-employed members of the liberal professions from having access to statutory pension insurance. On the initiative of physicians in the individual federal states, professional pension schemes were subsequently set up to secure old-age, occupational disability and to care for the surviving dependents.
Our professional pension scheme was founded in 1964 as the “Versorgungseinrichtung der Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein” (Professional Pension Scheme of the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association). We now count around 20,000 physicians as our members. More are added every year.
The professional pension scheme is a member of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufsständischer Versorgungseinrichtung e.V.” (ABV) (Association of Professional Pension Schemes). The ABV represents and promotes the common interests of the 90 professional pension schemes belonging to it. We are also a member of the “Ständige Konferenz ‘Ärztliche Versorgungswerke’” (Standing Conference of Physicians’ Professional Pension Schemes) formed by the Federal German Medical Association.

Until December 31, 2018, our professional pension scheme was called: “Versorgungseinrichtung der Ärztekammer Schleswig-Holstein”. This means “Professional Pension Scheme of the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association”.