Mandatory contributions by self-employed physicians
If you work independently as a physician, e.g. as a fee doctor or in the context of a branch in your own practice, you have to pay the standard contribution. The standard contribution corresponds to the respective maximum contribution of the statutory pension insurance. The standard contribution applicable in 2025 is € 1,497.30 per month. If you pay the standard contribution, you do not have to submit any proof of income to the pension fund.
Newly settled members may pay a reduced fee of at least 25% of the standard contribution in the first two years after setting up. An informal application is sufficient for this. It must be received by us by the 15th day of the current month for which the reduced premium payment is to be made. Please give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to advise you.
Members whose income is below the contribution assessment limit of the statutory pension insurance may, upon request, pay income-related contributions amounting to four percentage points below the current percentage of the statutory pension insurance contribution. The contribution assessment basis is the income from the penultimate calendar year. An income-related contribution payment is therefore only possible in case you provided us with a proof of income.
Important! Lower contribution payments will always lead to a lower pension entitlement. Reasonably high payments are required for a sufficient high level of insurance cover. We therefore recommend you to pay the standard contribution.
Infosheets for download:
Information on contribution assessment for physicians who are self-employed (German)
Information on contribution assessment for fee income-related physicians and other self-employed doctors (German)
Reasonably high payments are required for an adequate insurance coverage. We therefore recommend you to pay the standard contribution.